Friday, August 5, 2011

Who I am...

all about mi... and wine, blah, blah, blah...
Let's start with this... I'm Michele, commonly known as "Mi" [mee]
I love cooking, painting, wine, children, gardening, laughing, and... well,
generally anything that is fun. I’m organized, yet scattered. I have a BS degree
in Virtual Technology and Design, but am useless at setting up electrical
equipment (and, as it turns out, uploading an image to be the background for a
That started to sound like a bio for a dating site, which is sort of
entertaining to me, so I'll leave it... but, 1st (just in case I sound so
fascinating that you absolutely fall in love with me) I want to point out that
I'm in a very committed relationship & don't plan on changing that any time
This blog is all about wine... what you can expect is: tid-bits, ?'s, discussions (hopefully), great finds (products, establishments, etc.). In general, I want to learn as much as I want to teach/inform… please offer suggestions, criticisms, and ?’s whenever you have them.
I'm really done talking about myself...  ?'s, ask me- I'll most likely give you
more information than you wanted. If I offend, tell me- it's not my intention &
I'd like to know so that I can apologize or explain myself if I wrongly stated
what I meant.
"Ish" is a word, "Fun" should have 3 syllables. Babble… it’s what I’m all about.
Other things you should know…
            I tend to be long-winded, sarcastic, impatient, blah, blah, blah…
            skip ahead if you’re bored.
Thanks so much for reading & being interested in my blog. I hope to hear from
you soon. (fyi, I am currently drinking Neil Ellis, Pinotage- if you don't know what that is, you don't know me)

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